14 Apps For Blogging That Instantly Upgrade Your Skills

Apps For Blogging

Let’s face it, writing and managing your blog is quite some tiring work. 

And yes it should be tiring because if it wasn’t hard and tiring everyone would get into it. 

But it does not have to be that tiring at all, Yes you heard it right you can minimize your blogging tiredness.

Now, I am not talking about spammy link building or any other sort of black hat thing that will get you penalized by Google. 

I am talking about Apps which can keep you Organized and Productive so that,

#1 You are not frustrated and tired

#2 You can get the most out of blogging.

And the best part? They all are free so you don’t have to spend a single dollar on them.

So today I am going to share with you 10 apps you must have if you are serious about blogging.

How apps can help you in Blogging?

If you underestimate the power of apps in the modern world then you are wasting your time.

Apps were created to help human beings in their day to day tasks so that they can boost their productivity. 

These apps can help take the load of creating and then marketing the blog posts you write off from your shoulders.

You can even track the statistics of your blogs straight from your phone while you are in the bathroom!

Even I use these apps while I am in the bathroom.

But, remember using better tools then your competition will not help in growing your blog if you don’t know how to grow your blog.

These apps won’t make you a blogging Genius if you start using them, You will become a blogging genius only if you really know how to grow a blog.

“True knowledge about blogging is much important than fancy apps and tools”

I hope you have got the point.

Now that we are done with the introduction and how to get the most of your blogging efforts,

Let’s Dive into the Apps and their Stats.

#1 WordPress

The official WordPress app for Android and IOS allows you to publish new posts and manage your blog on the go. Think about it you are rushing to your train and at the same time checking your blog posts stats.

It sounds amazing, right?

You can publish new posts and edit old posts without the use of any PC.

 This may come handy once you’re on travel. The WordPress app permits you to see data and other details directly from your smartphone.

 There are a whole lot of programs for writing blog posts accessible on Play Store, but official programs are almost always trustworthy.

#2 Google Analytics 

Want to track your audience and their behaviour on the go?

Google Analytics makes it possible with all the features of the PC version.

You can view Traffic Reports, Real-time Audience, Audience demographics. 

This tool can give you an extra boost to the strategies you plan in the future as you can refer to it whenever you want to.

#3 Google Adsense

We all have heard the name of Adsense right?

That wicked and crooked Monetization method which doesn’t pay you enough. 

This devil also has a mobile version so that you can track your low earnings and feel sad whenever you want to. 

#4 Social Pilot : Social Management App

Staying engaged on social media will improve your visitor’s engagement rate and also bring new visitors to your blog. 

Updating Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn every time you publish a new post is really a time-consuming process, SocialPilot Android program can share your post to all social media at precisely the same time.

You can make a schedule of your post and keep your social media profile to the date with new content.

#5 Pocket: Save Articles & Favorites

We all hate the feeling of switching through 5-10 tabs opened whenever we browse the internet so that we quickly can see or read that article. 

This sometimes annoys us as it slows down the internet and also heats up the phone.

And yes there is a solution to it “The Pocket” App. All you have to do is install the app and open Chrome.

Whenever you see an Article which seems interesting touch and hold the URL and it will automatically save it in the Pocket App so you can access it later.

#6 Clear Focus: Time Management

Do you feel that lack of focus and that you are easily distracted by other things while you sit to write a blog post? 

Then this app is for you.

Clear Focus is a time Management android App, It’s based upon the Pomodoro technique that means using a small break between work sessions. 

You can disable deflecting sounds, programs, Internet link during your workout session that will provide you diversion free working environment and thus boosts your productivity.

#7 Asana: Task Manager

Asana is a strong task management tool. You can deal with your various blogging chores with a program like this.

 It’s One step ahead from what you get with most to-do list style programs.

 You can make tasks or subtasks and arrange your workflow. 

I  also quite enjoy the capability to make a task recur in the event you want to upgrade it later on. The top version is somewhat pricey, however, you don’t want that before your blog starts getting rather significant income.

#8 Pixabay: Free Stock Photos

Are you using up a lot of time on searching and finding royalty and copyright-free high-quality images?

Then worry no more, Pixabay has come up with a solution to your problem. Now you can download or save high-quality Free stock images in your Android device or in your Pixabay Account.

So stop searching and getting disappointed with the quality of images on Google Images and start using Pixabay Now !!.

P.S:- They also have a superb site.

#9 HootSuite: Social Media Manager

Tired of thinking about and taking out time for posting on social media ? Those days are long gone, [At least for me].

How ? Because I use the HootSuite app which schedules my social media post for an entire month. 

Think about it you don’t have to stress out because of posting time on social media, it automates the process for you.

Not only that, it also gives you helpful insights about your audience like best time to post, basic demographics etc. Right from your Phone.

The best of all ? It’s Free.

#10 Google Snapseed

Are images kind of a big deal in your blog content ? And also do you waste time editing the basic appearance of an image ?

If yes, then Google’s Snapseed comes to your rescue.

With it’s easy to use user interface you can do basic editing stuff like Cropping, Drawing, apply filters etc. 

So if you decide to use Pixabay then you should download Google Snapseed cause it will help you optimize those images on the go. 

#11 Habitica

Imagine you could level up and gain XP and skill points when you completed your daily tasks and to-do’s.

It seems to be a dream right ? But hey It’s true now.

This is what Habitica is all about. You basically type in your to-do’s and then when you complete them gain XP and Coins when you finish them.

Seems cool and interesting right ? It is.

This by far my favorite Task Manager App. 

#12 EverNote

Evernote has been used and recommended by all bloggers who know how much important note taking is in blogging.

It’s intuitive and powerful letting you take notes, save links, set reminders, and then share them around all of your devices.

You can also share notes with anybody using Evernote or some other third party program in your device.

In addition to this, Evernote works seamlessly with programs such as, Feedly, IFTTT, Google Drive, Notes, and much more. This provides you greater flexibility and also a great deal of approaches to store and share your own notes.

#13 Slack : Team Management

The Ultimate Team Management App. 

Honestly, Slack is the best team management app we have ever used.

This is like having an entire Virtual Office to work in.

You can create different channels for different departments in your business.

Overall, If you are more than a 1 man team then you should definitely try this one out.

#14 Aweber App

Utilize the AWeber program (download for iOS or android) to look at the results of your chosen sequences and broadcasts whenever you’re on the move. 

It’s also quite simple to realize how many readers and unsubscribes you have lately gotten.

There aren’t any special functions for this, but the Aweber app only makes it quite convenient to look at your stats and it seems excellent.


No matter how many apps and tools you use, If you don’t know the core principles it’s of no use.

Apps can make your life easier with all the extra productivity boost that they give to you. 

With that said, join us in our Discord Server to Ask Us Questions and Ultimately, to have fun.

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